Political Cartoons, Caricatures, "Funny" Comic Strips
"The meaning of Cartoon" which was made around the time that Osama Bin Laden was very alive... and he was also a "hit"... It was part of another political cartoon for an exhibition on "Iguaçu Falls"
Awarded 2nd place:
"Salão Internacional de Humor de Caratinga" Exhibition:
(Premiado, segundo lugar, tiras em quadrinhos):
Other Cartoons Selected for
"Salão Internacional de Humor de Caratinga" Exhibition:
Laerte - Caricature
Paulo and Chico caruso - Caricature
Gual - Caricature
Jal - Caricature
JAL & GUAL, the HQMix award creators - comic strip
Random Stuff..
João Bosco and Aldir Blanc
Mad Dogs
The Crazy Weapon
... And talking about Mad Dogs politicians...
Congrats, Chico Buarque
(... e afasta de mim, mais uma vez, esse cálice...)
Gual caricature on the "Arlequins, Pierrôs e Colombinas" book introduction:
Political cartoon - SCULPTURE - selected for Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba
Charge tridimensional selecionada para o Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba
making of on fabecook
Dark Ages
Text on the balloons: 1- You guys had asked (voted) for the Dark Ages return...
2... What are you gonna do now?
Well, to get started...
3- ...We are gonna burn journalists...
Blender and Guns similarity, according to a Brazilian Minister...
Cartoon making an allegory about the new government and billionaire farmers' new laws to turn "People With No Land Movement" (MST) into criminals (for fighting for their rights to have a piece of land to live and work).
Animated Cartoon
Brazilian roaches with ties, all together stealing your money...
Dark Age animated version:
Happy Holidays with eyes wide opened (2018/19, after Brazilian Elections)...
More political and social cartoons...
(Political cartoon - Baloon: "THERE'S NO RACISM IN BRAZIL!")
(Political cartoon, pre-candidate in a prestigious TV program, São Paulo -
Aiam Mit
(Political and regional cartoon - translation it only works if you deeply know the Brazilian politics, society and culture).
Voldemort Bolso x Aquilo Rosa
(Political and regional cartoon - translation works if you deeply know the Brazilian politics, society and culture).
(Political and regional cartoon - translation works if you deeply know the Brazilian politics, society and culture).
Trump's Wall
Gil Gil against Facebook
Salão de Humor de Piracicaba, 2016
Political Cartoon in 3D (Charge 3D)
"Making Of"
Sobre a Vergonha Alheia do Amorim
(Political and regional cartoon - translation works if you deeply know the Brazilian politics, society and culture).
(Political and regional cartoon - translation works if you deeply know the Brazilian politics, society and culture).
Comictrip 1:
Comictrip 2:
Realidades Alternativas (inspired by Fabio ZNO and Marcelo Maraska´s "Zé Cercado" original idea. Also, it was inspired by real facts- translation works if you deeply know the Brazilian politics, society and culture).
Gil Gil against Facebook
Papa se manifesta sobre Massacre de Manaus
Dória libera rota de Viaduto 9 de Julho
OUÇA a MÚsica do Dênis AQUI
Olha a cabeleira do deputado nis anos 80... será que ele é,,,?
Minha crítica ao Concurso da Folha...
1st LATIN AMERICAN HUMOR EXHIBITION -2016 - theme: MPB (Brazilian Popular Music)
3 pieces selected and exhibited at the FestHumor Festival - Iguaçu Falls - 2005
O Portal H2FOZ está publicando os cartuns finalistas do Festival Internacional do Humor Gráfico das Cataratas do Iguaçu, realizado em Foz do Iguaçu. Os trabalhos serão divulgados individualmente até completar os 300 que chegaram à final do evento, que teve em sua segunda edição o tema “Planeta Turismo”.
O objetivo é valorizar o material dos artistas no decorrer de 2005, intitulado Ano Nacional do Turismo Sustentável e Infância e Ano Municipal do Turismo, em Foz do Iguaçu. Veja hoje mais cartum Marcelo Scaff Marques, o Marcelo Maraska, de São Paulo, que ficou entre os 300 finalistas, num universo de 4.752 trabalhos de 81 países.
O objetivo é valorizar o material dos artistas no decorrer de 2005, intitulado Ano Nacional do Turismo Sustentável e Infância e Ano Municipal do Turismo, em Foz do Iguaçu. Veja hoje mais cartum Marcelo Scaff Marques, o Marcelo Maraska, de São Paulo, que ficou entre os 300 finalistas, num universo de 4.752 trabalhos de 81 países.
Article's link: